Thursday 26 July 2012


Hi everyone. So I have been working full time at Harrods and London is amazing.
Still getting all my bits for school :)
Olympics are about to start and were so close to it :)

Hope everyone is doing ok


Tuesday 10 July 2012

First week in London

Hi everyone

We have now completed our first official week in London!!!!! It has been a crazy week. As all of you know I have moved here with my boyfriend Rick. At the beginning of the week he went to work an his bike got stolen ..... Not good. But he has now got a job at Harrods!!!!!

I have loved my time here and loved working at Harrods and can't wait for Rick to start there.

It felt weird Monday night not teaching dance :(

Thanks everyone for reading.

Sarah xxx

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Fund Raising

Thankyou to everyone who made donations towards my school fees. I managed to raise £645 towards my fees which is amazing :) I have got to raise another £650 :)
If you wish to make a donation it is really appreciated. You can do so by :
cheque : Sarah Fenn, flat c 277 city road, islington, london EC1V 1LA
paypal :

or if you would like to set up a bank tranfer please email me and we can sort out details :)

thankyou for all of your support :)


London here I am

Hi everyone. I got a late train to London last night and here I am. We are all settled in to the flat and it's great :)
I had my last Monday night class last night and I will miss them loads!!! Thankyou for all of my cards :)


Sunday 1 July 2012

My dance

Had an amazing night last night with loads of people. So grateful to everyone for coming and supporting me, it helped so much and I am really on track for my course fees :) Thankyou everyone for helping
