Saturday 13 April 2013


Hi all,
Just to keep you updated - I haven't been well at all since Christmas. I had bronchitis and it just hasn't gone unfortunately :( but I'm on the mend!
I have also changed my hair colour to red!
School is amazing and have been moved up in all of my dance classes :)

And most importantly I really miss all of you. I miss my Lait family, I miss teaching all of you. It's so sad to not be in Ipswich and be with you all still. I have now moved to woodford green and hopefully will be getting a car and should be able to come down to see all of you very soon :)

Love sarah xxxx

Saturday 29 December 2012

Christmas and 2nd term

Hi everyone.

I hope that everyone is well and have had a wonderful Christmas!
As it is mine and ricks first year in London were going to the river to watch the countdown and fireworks New Year's Eve :)
I will be 20 on the 3rd January and then start my 2nd term at Italia Conti on the 7th January.
We start lots of diploma coursework this term with performances for high up people.

Again happy Christmas and have a great new year no matter where you are and what your doing :)

Much love
Sarah xxxx

Tuesday 18 December 2012


Hi to everyone!!!
As some of you may know that I was hoping to come to your Xmas party to celebrate with you all but unfortunatly I have been very ill with bronchitis for about 2/3 weeks now.
So I apologise that I haven't come and wished you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year but please take this post as this.

I hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and fingers crossed no snow!!! I hope to come and see you all in the new year.

Thank you for all of your support.

All my love
Sarah xxxx

(And rick)

Saturday 17 November 2012


I am so sorry to hear that one of my lovely sweetest students has sadly passed away. I really am very sorry to hear this. I send his wife all my love and all my best wishes.

I love and miss you all.

R.I.P Michael Lamb
You will be missed

Saturday 13 October 2012

My 4th week at Italia Conti

I am having such a wonderful time here!
I start school at around 8am and don't leave until about 7/8 at night!
My fitness has highly improved and we are being taught by the worlds best choreographers.
I miss teaching my classes each week but I promise I will come and visit!

I will blog again soon :)


Sunday 23 September 2012

First week

Hi everyone! It is the end of our first week at Italia conti! And I absolutely love it! Had some amazing dance classes and met some amazing people! Will keep you posted xx

Tuesday 28 August 2012

20 days to go

Hi everyone.
So I start Italia conti in 20days!!! Getting close now! I have got almost all of my dance wear. I will update each week when i start school :)

If you want to email me or anything it's on either this one or :
